Aeration and pumping windmills, a great selection of aeration windmills available in different dimensions depending on your needs. Accessories for aeration and pumping windmills available at our store. For more information about these windmills, contact us by email or by telephone.
Oxygen is a natural cleanser. It is the key ingredient for quality water. These windmills maintenance system works year-round to provide your dugout with a continuous supply of oxygen, so you can control taste, odor and water quality. During the summer, oxygen is supplied by surface winds. However, surface winds only provide the top portion of the water with oxygen. What happens is the water stratifies into two layers and the bottom layer remains choked.
By aerating the bottom of the dugout, you work with the surface winds to circulate the water from bottom to the top and provide the entire volume with oxygen. During the winter season, ice seals off the surface and no oxygen can get in the water. By aerating the bottom of the dugout during winter, you keep the circulation going and maintain proper oxygen levels to ensure fresh quality water year round.
An aeration windmill is all the maintenance you need to achieve quality water for livestock, irrigation, spraying, gardening, fish farming, and even household use. Aeration windmill is a direct drive energy transfer system that has no gear and few moving parts. The operation is efficient and easy to maintain. The simple design is an added feature. A uni-pole model (MVK-P) is also available and offers the same benefits you would get with the long tower windmills.
Water depth of 20’. One-year warranty. 30015D: Includes a high quality diaphragm built with Garlock material. MVK: 12-blade fan with 65″ø tail. MVK2D: 12-blade fan with 69″ø tail.