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Calculatrice: Surface/Débit d'un tuyau crépiné
Calculator: Area/Flow of a screen pipe

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Well Production at AWWA Standard of 1.5 feet per second:    
To calculate the flow in gallons per minute per foot of screen, first you must calculate the percentage of open area of the screen, then use that result to calculate the flow.  Determine the open area for the type of screen used then convert area to a percentage.  Then multiply the percentage by 12 inches per foot, by the outside diameter, by pi, and the conversion constant of 4.8:

Calculation of percent of open area:

Ap Formula

Where: Ap = Open Area (percent%)

 A = Open Area (sq.inches)
 Do = Average outside diameter of screen (inches)

Calculation of open area for shutter type screen:

A1 Formula

Where: A = Open Area (sq.inches)

 l = Slot length (inches)
 o = Width of slot opening (inches)
 n = Number of slots per foot

Calculate Ap of shutter screen
Slot length   in inches
Width of slot opening in inches
Number of slots per foot
Ave. Outside Diameter of Screen     in inches

Percentage of Open Area of a Shutter Type Screen   %

Calculation of open area for continuous slot screen:

A2 Formula

Where: A = Open Area (sq.inches)

 s = Slot size (inches)
 w = Wire width (inches)
 Do = Average outside diameter of screen (inches)
 d = Diameter of rods (inches)
 n = Number of rods

Calculate Ap of continuous slot screen
Slot size in inches
Wire width   in inches
Ave. Outside Diameter of Screen     in inches
Diameter of the rods     in inches
Number of rods

Percentage of Open Area of a Continuous Slot Screen   %

Calculation of the flow in gallons per minute per foot of screen:

F Formula

Where: F = Flow (gpm/ft of screen)

 Ap = Open Area (percent%)
 Do = Average outside diameter of screen (inches)
 pi = pi or 3.14159